Sediment Transport Training Resources

Interested in mobile bed hydraulic modelling? Following are some resources intended to support the Australian Water School’s Sediment Transport Modelling in HEC-RAS course:

Previous webinars addressing sediment transport from the Australian Water School’s YouTube channel:

Sediment transport modelling overview:

New sediment features in HEC-RAS 6.0:

Geomorphology 101:

Bridge scour:

Riprap protection:

2D and 3D sediment transport:

The following sediment-related videos are from HEC’s YouTube channel [View a current list of all HEC webinars here]:

2D sediment tutorial:

Mud and debris flow presentation:

Non-Newtonian example (3-part series):

Intro to 1D sediment transport (3-part series):

Reservoir sediment transport modelling (2-part series):

Troubleshooting gradation data:

Adding a tributary with sediment using lateral flow series:

Additional tutorials are available on Stanford Gibson’s YouTube channel


Channel forming discharge:

Sand and gravel flume test:

Contact us with any questions.